Most Loans would have fixed interest that is usually based on LIBOR plus a margin. Typically, loan amounts range from 80% to up to 100% of the property or project value, with a term of 5, 7, 10, 15 or 20 years, and with 5 to 20-year amortization schedules. Grace periods for repayment are negotiable and relate to the type of project. Terms and conditions are subject to alternation and depend on the current financial market situation.

The time to process and finalize an application is typically two months from our agreements being signed and received to the funding being completed, in spite of this it may be possible to finalize an application in a much shorter period depending on the complexity and type of transaction.  

Your application will be processed by us within hours. This saves you a lot of time and you will hear from us very soon after completing your application form and we arrange for you a direct loan with low interest rate or bring you in contact with an interested investor.

Like any professional service we work on a tariff schedule and charge a commitment retainer to cover some of our initial expenses and time.

This payment makes a contribution towards the considerable time, costs, and efforts involved in processing each application, editing or composing your Business Plan – if necessary - in the format requested by most Lenders/Investors and by contacting numerous of Lenders/Investors – if necessary - on our clients’ behalf.