For every loan or investment request, we would need a completed application form (please don’t send us an application form if you’re not prepared to pay a retainer upfront - when we have approved your application. No escrow requests please!) and an Executive Summary or a brief project description to start with; a Business Plan – if available - may be forwarded by e-mail at a later stage.
Our fees for Business Plan creation range from €3,500 – € 5,000. Costs will depend on complexity of your project and the hours we’d have to spend on creating your Business Plan.
We have reduced the prices of our services! We will send you the exact costs upon request.
If you feel that the above is of interest, we would be pleased to receive your completed application form for your project. Upon receiving your Application Form and Executive Summary, we’ll respond within 24-48 hours and report to you our funding recommendations, positive or negative. Please don’t send Business Plans without a completed application form; these cannot be processed.